Thursday, January 17, 2013

Yosemite Valley


Pam and I were married in the little Chapel at Yosemite on Valentines Day, many years ago.

There's a nice view towards Yosemite Falls from the front steps of the Chapel.
Ahwahnee Hotel
It's only about ninety minute drive from Fresno where we lived when we met. Sometimes we would drive up for dinner. I was much more comfortable in a coat and tie back then. My current T shirt only wardrobe won't get me in the dining room.
Perpetual motion Brissy in the campground. I was surprised how many sites were available there. We had a reservation, but didn't need it.

Lots of changes to Island Girl since that pickup day shot on the iPad!



The weather was nice for the four days we were there, but was wet and gloomy on the way out. The clouds and the lighting was amazing that morning and I just wandered around taking it in. It's an amazing place.
I was standing by the trailer watching it all when a couple of cars parked nearby. I'm looking at the clouds and the rocks and the trees, when the Airstream draws a crowd and pretty soon the door is open and the tours are in session.